Policy wording







Financial Services Compensation Scheme …………..1

Dispute and Complaints …………………………………1

Cooling-off Period ………………………………………..1




of Benefits Table ……………………………2

Cover Options …………………………………………….3

Important Information ………………………………….3

General Conditions ………………………………………3

General Exclusions ……………………………………….4

General Definitions ………………………………………5

Section 1 Cancellation and Disruption ……………7

Section 2 Emergency Medical, Repatriation

and Other Expenses …………………….8

Section 3 Personal Accident ……………………….9

Section 4 Baggage and Personal Effects ……….10

Section 5 Money, Travel Documents and

Credit Cards ………………………….. 10

Section 6 Legal Expenses and Personal Liability ..11

Section 7 Hi-jack and Kidnap ……………………11

Section 8 Winter Sports …………………………..12

Section 8.1 Equipment Hire ………………………..12

Section 8.2 Ski Equipment ………………………….12

Section 8.3 Lift Pass …………………………………12

Section 8.4 Piste Closure ……………………………12

Section 8.5 Avalanche Cover ……………………….12

Section 9 Business Supplement Cover …………12

Section 9.1 Business Equipment …………………..13

Section 9.2 Business Money ………………………..13

Section 9.3 Replacement Staff …………………….13

Section 9.4 Additional Personal Accident Cover …13

Section 10 Golf Cover ………………………………14

Section 10.1 Golf Equipment ………………………..14

Section 10.2 Hired Golf Equipment …………………14

Section 10.3 Green Fees ……………………………..14

Reciprocal Health Agreements ……………………….15

Activity and Sports List ………………………………..15






are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if We are declared to be in default.The amount depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim.Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme at the address below or on their website: www.fscs.org.uk

7th Floor, Lloyds Chambers

Portsoken Street,

London E1 8BN






Underwriters are dedicated to providing the Insured and Insured Person with a high quality service and want to ensure that this is maintained at all times. If the Insured or Insured Person feels that the Underwriters have not offered a first class service please write and tell them and they will do their best to resolve the problem. The contact details for the Underwriters are:

Head of Accident & Health

Canopius Underwriting Limited

Gallery 9

One Lime Street

London EC3M 7HA

If the


Insured or Insured Person has any questions, concerns or complaints about the handling of a claim they should, in the first instance, contact:

CEGA Travel Claims

PO Box 127


West Sussex PO18 8WQ

Telephone: +44 (0) 1243 621 225

In the event the


Insured or Insured Person remains dissatisfied and wishes to make a complaint it may be possible in certain circumstances for them to refer that matter to the Policyholder & Market Assistance at Lloyd’s. Their address is:

Policyholder & Market Assistance

Lloyd’s Market Services

One Lime Street

London EC3M 7HA

Tel No: + 44 (0) 207 327 5693

Fax No: + 44 (0) 207 327 5225

E-mail: complaints@lloyds.com

In the event that the Policyholder & Market Assistance team is unable to resolve your complaint, it may be possible for the


Insured or Insured Person to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Following the complaints procedure with the FOS does not affect the rights of the Insured or Insured Person to take legal action

Further details will be provided at the appropriate stage of the complaints process.




If this cover does not meet


Your requirements, You may return the insurance documentation to Your insurance intermediary within fourteen (14) days of the cover starting or the day on which You receive the documents, whichever is the latter.




will refund all premiums paid within thirty (30) days from the date We receive the notice of the cancellation from You. We will not refund premiums if You have made a claim within the fourteen (14) days.

Please contact


Your insurance intermediary who issued this Policy to obtain this refund, their address and telephone number will appear on the intermediary’s correspondence to You.





These are the maximum sums insured. Please see


Your individual Schedule of cover letter for the exact levels of cover You have purchased.

If you have chosen Winter Sports Cover, Golf Cover or Business Cover and have paid the additional premium required for this cover, the following also applies:


Up to Limit of (£/€)


Section of Cover per Insured Person Excess


1 Cancellation £5,000/€7,500 £100/€150

1 Curtailment £5,000/€7,500 £100/€150

1 Missed Departure £500/€750 £100/€150

1 Travel Delay £20/€30 for the first 12 hour

period. £10/€15 each additional

12 hour period up to £200/€300 Nil

1 Holiday Abandonment £3,000/€4,500 £100/€150

2 Emergency Medical and Travel Expenses £3,500,000/€5,000,000 £100/€150

2 Hospital Benefit £20/€30 per day up to £600/€900 Nil

2 Funeral Expenses £3,500/€5,000 £100/€150

3 Personal Accident

1) Accidental Death £15,000/€22,500 Nil

2) Loss of one limb or one eye £15,000/€22,500 Nil

3) Loss of two limbs or both eyes

or one limb and one eye £15,000/€22,500 Nil

4) Permanent Total Disablement £15,000/€22,500 Nil

NOTE: See Page 9 for sums insured and

benefits in respect of under 16 years and

over 65 years.

4 Personal Effects and Baggage £5,000/€7,500 £100/€150

• Single Item Limit £300/€450 £100/€150

• Valuables Limit £300/€450 £100/€150

• Travel Documents £300/€450 £100/€150

• Delayed Baggage £300/€450 £100/€150

5 Personal Money £300/€450 £100/€150

• Cash Limited (aged 18 and above) £150/€225 £100/€150

• Cash Limit (aged under 18) £100/€150 £100/€150

6 Personal Liability £1,500,000/€2,000,000 £250/€375

6 Legal Expenses £10,000/€15,000 £250/€375

7 Hijack £75/€112.50 per day up to

£3,500/€5,250 Nil


Up to Limit of (£/€)


Section of Cover per Insured Person Excess


8.1 Ski Hire £20/€30 per day up to £400/€600 Nil

8.2 Ski Equipment owned £500/€750 £100/€150

• Single Item Limit £200/€300 £100/€150

8.3 Lift Pass £300/€450 Nil

8.4 Piste Closure £30/€45 per day up to £300/€450 Nil

8.5 Avalanche Delay £500/€750 £100/€150

9.1 Business Equipment £2,000/€3,000 £100/€150

• Single Item Limit £500/€750 £100/€150

9.1 Business Documents and Records £50/€75

9.2 Business Money £200/€300

9.3 Replacement Staff £1,500/€2,250

9.4 Additional Personal Accident Benefit Normal Benefit x 2 N/A

10.1 Golf Equipment £1,000/€1,500 £100/€150

• Single Item Limit £500/€750 £100/€150

10.2 Hired Golf Equipment £500/€750 £100/€150

• Single Item Limit £250/€375 £100/€150

10.3 Green Fees £300/€450 Nil





The Cover Option purchased by


You will be shown in the Schedule.


Annual Multi-Trip


Provides travel cover during the


Period of Insurance provided no single Trip lasts longer than 90 days. If the Trip is not completed within 90 days due to circumstances outside Your control, cover will continue for a maximum of 30 days at no additional premium. Any person travelling who is under the age of 18 years at the commencement of the Trip must be accompanied for the entire Trip by an adult who is also insured by this Policy. Cover is provided for up to 17 days in total for Winter Sports within the Period of Insurance upon payment of the appropriate premium.


Business Cover

See Section 9 for details of the additional cover provided.


Single Trip

Provides one


Trip up to a maximum period of 90 days.


Winter Sports

See Section 8 for details of the cover provided.






Pregnancy and childbirth



provide cover under this Policy if something unexpected happens. In particular, We provide cover under section 2 for injuries to the body or illness that was not expected. We do not consider pregnancy or childbirth to be an illness or Injury. To be clear, We only provide cover under sections 1 and 2 of this Policy, for claims that come from Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Please make sure You read the definition of ‘Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth’ on page 5.


Sports and Activities

See the list of activities and sports on page 15 covered by this Policy. If the activity or sport is not shown, please refer to


Your insurance intermediary.



Country of Residence


All countries within the European Union and/or European Economic Area in which


You habitually reside for the majority of the year.

Cover only applies if


Your Trip is away from Your home and at least two nights stay in pre-booked accommodation or involves a pre booked flight.



Europe including Republic of Ireland, Canary Islands, Madeira and countries bordering the Mediterranean


Worldwide excluding USA and Canada

Anywhere in the world apart from USA and Canada.


Worldwide including USA and Canada

Anywhere in the world.






1. Observance – Failure to Comply with Policy Conditions




liability to make any payment under this Policy shall be conditional upon Your observance of all terms, provisions, conditions and endorsements of this Policy. Where You do not comply with any obligation to act in a certain way specified in this Policy, this may prejudice Your position to recover under any claim.


2. Information and changes we need to know about




must take reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions We ask when You take out, make changes to, and renew Your Policy. Please tell Europesure Insurance if there are any changes required to the information set out in Your schedule.




must tell Us as soon as possible about any changes in the information You have provided to Us which happens before or during any period of insurance. When We are notified of a change, We will tell Europesure if this affects Your policy, for example whether We are able to accept the change and if so, whether the change will result in revised terms and/or premium being applied to Your Policy. If You do not inform Us about a change it may affect any claim You make or could result in Your insurance being invalid.

If the information provided by


You is not complete and accurate:


We may cancel Your Policy and refuse to pay any claim, or


We may not pay any claim in full, or


We may revise the premium and/or change any excess, or

• the extent of the cover may be affected.


3. Claims Procedure


On the happening of any occurrence likely to give rise to a claim under this Policy, it is a condition precedent to


Our liability under this Policy that You will ensure that notice is given to Us in writing as soon as reasonably possible after the date of the occurrence and in any event within ninety (90) days. Such notice shall include full particulars of the occurrence.



should contact:


Medical Assistance Notification:


In the event of illness or Injury during Your Trip which will require hospitalisation, in the first instance You must notify Our Medical Assistance company.

Tel: +44 (0)20 7111 1100

Fax: +44 (0)1243 773 169

E-mail: travelassist@canopius.com

All other claims:

CEGA claims

PO BOX 127


West Sussex PO18 8WQ

Tel: +44 (0) 1243 621225

Fax: +44 (0) 1243 621035

Email: claims@cegagroup.com



4. Claims Co-operation




shall provide assistance and co-operate with Us or Our representatives, in obtaining any other records We deem necessary to evaluate the incident or claim. In no event shall We be liable to pay any claim hereunder unless You co-operate with Us and/or Our representatives in the investigation of the claim.


5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


The parties are free to choose the law applicable to this insurance contract. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary this shall be subject to English law.


6. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Clarification Clause


A person who is not a party to this insurance contract has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this insurance contract but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from this Act.


7. Travel Period


Cover in respect of each



Trip shall commence when You leave Your home or place of work whichever occurs last and terminates at the time You return to Your home or place of work whichever occurs first.


8. Access to additional materials




shall provide Us, or Our designated representatives, all information, documentation, medical information that We may reasonably require at all reasonable times during the term of this Policy, or until resolution of all claims, whichever is later.


9. Right to Medical records and Medical examination


Following notice of a claim,



You shall provide, when requested by Us, all authorisations necessary to obtain Your medical records. We have the right to have You examined by a physician or vocational expert of Our choice, and at Our expense, when and as often as We may reasonably request.


10. Fraudulent Claims





You or any other person acting on Your behalf submits a claim under this Policy that shall in any respect be false or fraudulent, We shall be under no liability to make payment in respect of such claim and You must pay back any benefit that We have already paid. If this happens We will not refund any premium.


11. Limitation


In no case shall



Our liability in respect of You exceed the largest sum insured stated in the Schedule.


12. Cancellation




may cancel this Policy or any cover by giving You thirty (30) days written notice at Your last known address and in such event the premium for the period up to the date when the cancellation takes effect shall be calculated and We shall return any unearned portion of the premium paid.




can cancel this Policy by giving Us thirty (30) days written notice at:

Canopius Underwriting Limited, Accident & Health, Gallery 9, One Lime Street, London EC3M 7HA.

If this happens, provided no claim has been paid or is payable and no incident has occurred which could give rise to a claim under this Policy or the



Trip has commenced, the premium for the period up to the date when the cancellation takes effect will be calculated and any unearned portion of the premium paid will be returned, subject to a minimum retention of one half of the risk premium or £50/€75 whichever is the lesser.


13. Data Protection Act 1998


It is understood by



You that any information provided to Us regarding You will be processed by Us, in compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, for the purpose of providing insurance and handling of claims, if any, which may necessitate providing such information to third parties.





will not pay any claim directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by:




2. the use, release or escape of nuclear materials that directly or indirectly results in nuclear reaction or


Radiation or radioactive contamination; or

2.1 the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials; or

2.2 the release of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials.

3. Winter Sports unless an Annual Multi


Trip policy or the Single Trip policy winter sports extension is purchased; competition in events on snow or ice; freestyle skiing; ski jumping; heli-skiing; ice hockey; the use of bob sleighs and skeletons; motor cycling (other than mopeds or motor scooters under 125cc hired during the Trip); mountaineering or rock climbing normally requiring the use of ropes or guides; driving a mechanically propelled vehicle in any kind of race.



We shall not be liable for claims arising from any pre-existing condition at the inception date of the Period of Travel. This exclusion shall not apply if such pre-existing condition has been without the necessity of medical consultation or treatment for 24 consecutive months prior to the commencement date of the Period of Travel.



You travelling against medical advice.



You travelling for the purpose of receiving medical treatment.





You being aware of any medical condition which could reasonably be expected to lead to a claim



You flying, except as a passenger in an aircraft licensed to carry passengers.



Your professional entertaining.



You travelling to a country where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have advised against all but essential travel.



You being under the influence of, or being affected by alcohol or drugs (unless such drug has been prescribed by a qualified Medical Practitioner but not for the treatment of drug addiction).



Your attempting to commit or committing intentional self-Injury or suicide.

13. the tour operator, airline or any other company, firm or person becoming insolvent, or being unable or unwilling to fulfil any part of their obligation to





You taking part in manual labour or in any sport or activity not shown in the Activity and Sports List.

15. any criminal or illegal act by



16. operational duties as a member of the armed forces.



You participating in professional sports.

18. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any HIV or AIDS related illness.



Your deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (other than in an attempt to save human life).

20. after the expiry of the


Period of Insurance during which You reach age 79 years.



Certain words in this Policy have a specific meaning. They have this specific meaning wherever they appear in this Policy,


Schedule or endorsements and are shown in bold italic print.


1. Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth


In this policy ‘


complications of pregnancy and childbirth’ will only include the following;

(i) Toxaemia (toxins in the blood)

(ii) Gestational hypertension (high blood pressure arising as a result of pregnancy)

(iii) Pre-eclampsia (where


You develop high blood pressure, carry abnormal fluid and have protein in Your urine during the second half of pregnancy)

(iv) Ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that develops outside of the uterus)

(v) Molar pregnancy or hydatidiform mole (a pregnancy in which a tumour develops from the placental tissue)

(vi) Post-partum haemorrhage (excessive bleeding following childbirth)

(vii) Retained placenta membrane (part or all of the placenta is left behind in the uterus after delivery)

(viii) Placental abruption (part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus)

(ix) Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting as a result of pregnancy)

(x) Placenta praevia (when the placenta is in the lower part of the uterus and covers part or all of the cervix)

(xi) Stillbirth

(xii) Miscarriage

(xiii) Emergency Caesarean section

(xiv) A termination needed for medical reasons

(xv) Premature birth more than 8 weeks (or 16 weeks if


You know You are having more than one baby) before the expected delivery date



Country of Residence


All countries within the European Union and/or European Economic Area in which


You habitually reside for the majority of the year.






Any person under a contract of employment, service or apprenticeship with








The first amount of each and every loss that each


Insured Person shall pay.








, Your Partner and dependent child under the age of 18 years.






A bodily


Injury resulting from an accident caused by violent, external and visible means and occurring solely and directly and independently of any other cause which occurs at an identifiable time and place within twelve (12) calendar months of the date of the accident.




Medical Practitioner


Any suitably qualified


Medical Practitioner registered by the General Medical Council in the Country of Residence (or foreign equivalent); or in respect of dental treatment only, a dental practitioner who is registered with the British Dental Association (or foreign equivalent); other than: an Insured Person, a member of the immediate Family of the Insured Person or Your Employee.








spouse, common-law spouse or civil Partner.




Period of Insurance


The period shown in the






Permanent Total Disablement


Total Disablement which has lasted for twelve (12) consecutive calendar months and entirely prevents


You from engaging in any occupation



for which


You are suited by education, training or experience for the remainder of Your life.






Personal effects owned by or


Your responsibility which are taken by You on or acquired during the Trip.






The emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement, or death, amongst people or animals.






Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, grandchild, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, fiance(e), Common-Law Spouse or Civil








The document showing details of


Your cover.




Terrorist Activity


An act, or acts, of any person, or group(s) of persons, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.


Terrorist Activity can include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or violence and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of a Terrorist Activity can either be acting alone, or on behalf of, or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s).






A holiday, including a cruise holiday, and a non-manual business


Trip which commences and ends in the Country of Residence.

Cover under section 1 (Cancellation and Disruption) commences at the time


You book the Trip or this Policy is issued and the premium paid, whichever is the later. If You have an Annual Multi-Trip Policy, cover under section 1 commences at the time You book the Trip during the Period of Insurance or for incidents that occur during the Period of Insurance.

Cover commences during the


Period of Insurance when You leave Your home or place of work whichever occurs last and ends when You return to Your home or place of work or the date shown on the Schedule whichever occurs first.




Utilisation of Biological Weapons of mass destruction


The emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.




Utilisation of Chemical Weapons of mass destruction


The emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.




Utilisation of Nuclear Weapons of mass destruction


The use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.






Jewellery, furs, gold and silver articles, watches, binoculars, telescopes, photographic equipment, MP3 players, computer and laptop equipment, audio equipment, video equipment and mobile telephones.






Any activity arising out of or attempt to participate in the use of military force between nations and will include:

(i) Hostilities or warlike operations (whether


War be declared or not).

(ii) Invasion, civil


War, rebellion, insurrection, revolution.

(iii) Act of an enemy foreign to


Your nationality, or the country in, or over, which the act occurs

(iv) Civil commotion assuming the proportions of, or amounting to, an uprising.

(v) Overthrow of the legally constituted government.

(vi) Military or usurped power.

(vii) Explosions of


War Weapons.



Terrorist Activity.

(ix) Utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological


Weapons of mass destruction however these may be distributed or combined.

(x) Murder or Assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the act of agents of a state foreign to the nationality of the


Insured Person whether War be declared with that state or not.



We, Us, Our


Canopius Underwriting Limited on behalf of Syndicate 4444 at Lloyd’s.




You, Your, Insured Person(s)


The person or people named in the


Schedule who are domiciled in their Country of Residence









1. Cancellation, Curtailment and ‘Get-


You-there’ Expenses




will pay You the following expenses incurred as the result of any of the Specified occurrences in paragraphs a) to e) below:

1.1 Up to the sum insured shown in the


Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of irrecoverable loss of unused travel and accommodation expenses paid in advance or for which there is a contractual liability consequent upon the cancellation or curtailment of the pre-arranged Trip or, if the Trip is not cancelled,

1.2 Up to the sum insured shown in the


Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses incurred in fulfilling the pre-booked travel and accommodation commitments, including the use of equivalent local accommodation if rendered necessary by an occurrence covered under subsection 1.e).

Specified occurrences:-



Your death or sustaining an Injury or becoming seriously ill.

b) the death,


Injury or serious illness of Your Relative, fiancé(e) or business colleague or of any person with whom You had arranged to travel, reside or conduct business or the immediate Relative, fiancé(e) or business colleague of such person.



You or any person with whom You had arranged to travel, reside or conduct business being:

(i) quarantined or called for witness or jury service.

(ii) made redundant, provided that such redundancy qualifies for payment under the


Country of Residence’s Redundancy Payments Acts.

(iii) called for emergency duty as a member of the armed forces, the defense or civil administration, the police force, or the fire, rescue, public utility or medical services.

(iv) required to be present at


Your home or place of business in the Country of Residence following a burglary or major damage caused by storm, flood or fire.

d) the cancellation or delayed departure for 24 hours or more of an aircraft, sea vessel or other publicly licensed form of passenger transport in which


You had previously booked to travel, resulting from any of the following contingencies: strike, industrial, avalanche, volcanic eruption, adverse weather conditions and accident or mechanical breakdown provided always that such contingency had not occurred, commenced or been announced before the booking was made in respect of the flight voyage or journey thus affected.

e) major damage caused by storm, flood or fire rendering uninhabitable the accommodation in which


You had previously booked to reside during the Trip, excluding any waterborne vessel or craft.

2. Missed Departure and Transport Diversion




will pay You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses incurred by You in fulfilling Your pre-booked travel and accommodation commitments:-

a) if at the commencement of the


Trip You miss Your pre-booked international travel connection from the Country of Residence through disruption of Your journey to the Country of Residence departure point occurring as the direct result of:-

(i) a fellow passenger or a crew member of the conveyance in which


You are travelling sustaining an Injury or becoming ill after such journey has commenced; or

(ii) any of the contingencies specified in subsection 1.d), provided always that such contingency had not occurred, commenced or been announced before the international travel booking was made if the


Country of Residence journey is by Scheduled public transport services, or before the Country of Residence journey commenced if such journey is by non-Scheduled transport.

(iii) Mechanical breakdown of the vehicle


You are travelling in.

b) if at any time during the


Trip an aircraft, sea vessel or other publicly licensed passenger conveyance in which You are travelling has to be diverted from its pre-arranged destination as the result of:-

(i) a fellow passenger or a crew member sustaining an


Injury or becoming ill; or

(ii) any of the contingencies specified in subsection 1.d), provided always that such contingency has not occurred, commenced or been announced before the booking was made in respect of the flight, voyage or journey thus affected.

3. Travel Delay Inconvenience Benefit




You are delayed because of the late departure of an aircraft, sea vessel or other publicly licensed form of passenger transport in which






had previously booked to travel as a result of any of the contingencies specified in subsection 1.d), provided always that such contingency had not occurred, commenced or been announced before the booking was made in respect of the flight, voyage or journey thus affected, We will pay You:-

a) On the outward journey at commencement of the



Trip £20/€30 for the first completed 12 hour period that transport is delayed and £10/€15 for each subsequent completed 12 hour period, up to a maximum of £100/€150 in all.

And again for all subsequent journeys during the




4. Alteration of Itinerary




will pay You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses necessarily incurred by You in the alteration of the arrangements of the Trip consequent upon You being the victim of a hi-jack, kidnap, terrorist or criminal act, or upon the cancellation of publicly licensed passenger transport services caused by any of the contingencies specified in subsection 1.d), provided that these occur or commenced during the Trip.


5. Abandonment


If the holiday or journey is necessarily cancelled following a delay of not less than 24 hours beyond the scheduled departure time (and written confirmation obtained from the carrier), the Underwriter will indemnify



You up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for travel and accommodation expenses paid or contracted to be paid by You in respect of Your own Trip (prior to any occurrence giving rise to a claim under this section) and which are not recoverable. No claim shall be made under both Travel Delay and Abandonment.







1. the



Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table, except in respect of the Travel Delay Inconvenience Benefit.

2. under subsections 1.d), 2 and 3 for claims arising out of any contingency that had occurred, commenced or been announced before this Policy was effected.

3. claims for cancelling or curtailing



Your Trip due to any medical condition or set of circumstances known to You at the time that the insurance was effected or at the time that the Trip was booked, whichever is the later, where such condition or circumstances could reasonably have been expected to give rise to cancellation or curtailment of the Trip.

4. claims for



You not wanting to travel.

5. any claims for redundancy caused by misconduct, resignation or voluntary redundancy, or if



You knew of the redundancy at the time You booked Your Trip or the start date of the Trip.

6. claims for unused travel or accommodation arranged by using Air Miles or similar promotions.

7. losses outside the extent of the contractual liability.

8. Any claim that comes from pregnancy or childbirth, except as provided for under the benefits in section 2, unless a



Medical Practitioner confirms that the claim comes from the Complications of Pregnancy or Childbirth.

9. claims arising from delay caused by strike, industrial action or public knowledge if already notified at the time the insurance was purchased.

10. any claims for second or subsequent outbound or inbound flights, rail or sea



Trips where a reasonable connection time has not been allowed for. This is defined as 120 minutes before the final check in time as advertised for the flight, rail or sea Trip






shall only be liable:-

1. to the extent of the contractual liability.

2. for claims arising from delayed departure under Subsection 1.d) and 3. if



You have obtained written confirmation from the Carriers or their Agents stating the actual date and time of departure and the reason for the delay. For the purposes of claims payment under these Subsections the period of delay shall be taken as commencing at the departure time of the conveyance as specified in the booking confirmation supplied to You.

3. Under Subsection 2.a) if in the selection of the route, means of travel and time of departure



You have done all things reasonable and practicable to minimise the possibility of late arrival at the Country of Residence departure point.

4. for claims under Subsection 2.a)(iii) attributable to mechanical breakdown, if



You have obtained a garage or motoring organisation report confirming the date, cause and time of such breakdown.








will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of:


1. Emergency Medical and Repatriation Expenses


Expenses necessarily incurred outside the


Country of Residence as the result of You sustaining an Injury or becoming ill during the Trip for:-



Your medical, hospital and treatment



expenses (including additional travel and accommodation expenses).




Your additional repatriation expenses; including compulsory quarantine.

1.3 emergency dental treatment for the immediate relief of pain.

1.4 accompanying medical attendants if agreed by prior consultation between



Your attending physicians and Us or Our appointed advisors.

1.5 Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses of a



Relative or friend (not necessarily an Insured Person) who on medical advice is required to travel to, remain with or escort You.

2. Emergency Return to




Your Country of Residence




will pay additional travel and accommodation expenses necessarily incurred by You following:-

2.1 The death or serious illness or serious



Injury of Your Relative, fiancé(e) or business colleague necessitating Your presence in Your Country of Residence.

2.2 Burglary or major damage at



Your home or place of business in Your Country of Residence.

2.3 The death or serious illness or serious



Injury of an accompanying Insured Person, or the repatriation of such person as provided for in Subsections 2.1 and 2.2 above.



will also pay:


3. Hospital Inconvenience Benefit




will pay the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for each completed 24 hour period that You spend as a hospital in-patient outside the Country of Residence as the result of You sustaining an Injury or becoming ill during the Trip, up to a maximum of the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.


4. Funeral Expenses




will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for the cost of transporting Your remains or ashes to Your former place of residence in the Country of Residence if You die during the Trip, and/or the cost of burial or cremation if this takes place in the country abroad where the death occurred to a maximum of the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table




1. the



Excess amount shown in the Schedule Of Benefits Table.

2. the cost of any medication, consultation or treatment the need for which could reasonably have been foreseen by



You at the time that the Trip commenced, nor for any travel, accommodation or other expense incurred in connection therewith.

3. normal pregnancy without any accompanying



Injury, illness or disease or complication.

4. any expense incurred after



You have returned to the Country of Residence or incurred after a period of twelve calendar months has elapsed following the date on which the insured Injury, illness or contingency first occurred or commenced during the Trip whichever shall occur the sooner.

5. any claim that comes from pregnancy or childbirth, unless a



Medical Practitioner confirms that the claim comes from Complications of Pregnancy or Childbirth.

6. any medical expenses for more than 12 months after incurring the first expense.







As shown in the


Schedule of Benefits Table We will pay You if at any time during the Trip You sustain an Injury which results in Your death or disablement.





Insured Persons under the age of 16 years the Accidental Death Benefit is limited to £2,500/€3,750 and all other Benefits are reduced by 50%.



Insured Persons over the age of 65 years the Accidental Death Benefit is limited to £5,000/€7,000 and benefits 2 and 3 are reduced by 50%, benefit 4 (Permanent Total Disablement) is deleted.



Death or


Permanent Total Disablement solely as a result of unavoidable exposure to severe weather conditions shall be deemed to be an Injury.





You disappear during the Trip and if, after a reasonable period of time has elapsed and all available evidence examined, there is reason to presume that Your death has occurred in accordance with the terms, provisions and conditions of this section of the Policy, the Accidental Death Benefit shall become payable. If at any time after such payment You are found to be living, the Benefit sum paid shall be refunded to Us.




1. In no case shall


Our liability in respect of You exceed in all the largest sum insured applicable under any one of the Personal Accident Schedule of Benefits items.

2. No claim shall be payable under more than one item in the Personal Accident


Schedule of Benefits in respect of the same Injury.

3. In the event that an


Injury results in Your death within thirteen weeks of the date of an Injury and prior to the settlement of a claim



for disablement under Items 2, 3 or 4 of the Personal Accident



Schedule of Benefits, the Accidental Death Benefit shall be payable.

4. In the event of a claim



Our appointed medical advisor(s) shall be allowed to examine You as often as may be deemed necessary.

5. For the purpose of this section:

5.1 Loss of a limb shall mean the permanent and complete loss of or loss of use of a limb or limbs at or above the ankle or wrist.

5.2 Loss of an eye shall mean permanent and total loss of sight without hope of improvement;

In both eyes, if



Your name is added to the Register of Blind Persons on the authority of a registered qualified ophthalmic specialist; or

In one eye, if the degree of sight remaining after correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen Scale.






1. Baggage and Personal Effects




will pay You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of loss of or damage to Property.


2. Delayed Baggage




will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of the cost of immediate necessities purchased or hired by You if on arrival at Your outward destination You are deprived of Your travel baggage for more than 12 hours because of temporary loss or mis-direction by the Carriers (provided always that any amounts thus paid, other than hire charges, shall be deducted from the total of any claim becoming payable under this section if the said baggage proves to be permanently lost).





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table, except in respect of the Delayed Baggage and General Average and Salvage provisions of section 4.

2. loss of or damage to hired clothing and hired equipment of any kind.

3. damage due to wear and tear or gradual deterioration.

4. loss of or damage to household effects.

5. electrical or mechanical breakdown or derangement.

6. loss or damage to


Valuables contained in baggage whilst such baggage is in the custody of Carriers and outside Your control.

7. theft or attempt of theft of


Valuables when unattended other than when securely locked in a building or securely locked out of sight inside a motor vehicle.

8. loss of cash, currency, bank notes, travellers’ cheques, passports, driving licenses, green card, petrol coupons, tickets, ski passes, securities and documents.

9. confiscation or detention by Customs or other Authority.

10. General Average or Salvage Charges which are covered or would, but for the existence of this Policy, be covered by any other insurer or indemnifying organisation, except in respect of any


Excess beyond the amount payable by such other insurer or organisation.






You shall at all times exercise reasonable care in the supervision of the Property.

2. Claims settlements for articles lost or destroyed will be based on the cost price of comparable new articles, less an appropriate allowance for age and condition.

3. The limit for any single item or pair or set of items is shown in the


Schedule of Benefits Table.








will pay You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of:


1. Money and Travel Documents


Loss of money, travellers’ cheques, passports, driving licences, green card, petrol coupons, travel tickets and ski passes occurring during the


Trip, including expenses directly consequent upon such loss.


2. Fraudulent Use of Lost Credit Card


Loss resulting from the fraudulent


Use of any credit card, charge card or bankers’ card held by You, following loss of such card during the Trip.

Cover in respect of money and travel documents shall commence at the time of their collection or receipt by


You or 72 hours prior to planned commencement of the Trip, whichever is the later. Cover in respect of money and travellers’ cheques after the conclusion of the Trip shall continue whilst in Your custody for up to 72 hours.





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. any loss not reported to the Police within 48 hours of discovery.

3. money lost in exchange, or through errors or omissions in transactions or purchases.

4. loss of money contained in baggage whilst such baggage is in the custody of Carriers and outside


Your control.



5. claims arising for theft which are not reported to any appropriate police authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained.

6. confiscation or detention by Customs or other Authority.

7. any loss in respect of the fraudulent use of credit card, charge card or bankers’ card if



You have not complied with the terms and conditions under which the card was issued, including those relating to the safe-keeping and use of the card and the reporting to the Issuing Company or Bank of any misplacement or loss.






1. Legal Expenses




will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of Your incurred legal expenses in the pursuit of claims for damages against third parties who have caused an Insured Person’s death, bodily Injury or illness through incidents occurring during the Trip. We shall only be liable for expenses incurred with Our prior written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld, but We reserve the right to withdraw from the proceedings at any stage and to limit Our liability to the expenses incurred during the period up to but not beyond the date of such withdrawal.





1. legal expenses incurred without


Our prior written approval.

2. claims against


Us or anyone acting on Our behalf, or a travel agent, tour operator or carrier.

3. the continued pursuit of any claim where


We consider You do not have a likely prospect of establishing a legal liability against the party being pursued and of recovering charges from such party.

4. legal actions between


Insured Persons.

5. legal actions to obtain satisfaction of a judgement or legally binding decision, or legal proceedings brought in more than one country.

6. legal expenses which constitute a valid claim under any other insurance policy beyond


Our rateable share of any claim costs.




2. Personal Liability




will indemnify You in respect of Your legal liability for bodily Injury to third parties and/or for damage to their Property arising from an accident occurring during the Trip up to but not exceeding the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of any one accident or series of accidents and in all inclusive of associated legal expenses incurred with Our prior written consent.

It is a condition of cover that


You shall not admit any liability nor offer agreement to settle any claim without Our prior written consent.




1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. liability for bodily


Injury to Your Employees or to any member of Your Family or household.

3. liability for damage to


Property owned by, or in the care, custody or control of, You or any member of Your Family or household, except for damage to the structure or contents of any building or permanently or seasonally sited cabin, caravan or tent temporarily hired or let to You for the sole purpose of Your personal occupancy during the Trip.

4. liability arising out of the ownership, possession, custody or use of any aircraft, mechanically propelled or horse drawn vehicle (other than golf buggies), caravan, vehicular trailer, waterborne craft (other than sailboards, surfboards, canoes, rowing dinghies), firearm, animal (other than horses hired for hacking only), land, building or permanently or seasonally sited


Property of any kind.

5. Employer’s liability.

6. Contractual liability.

7. liability arising out of or incidental to the practice of a profession or occupation or to the supply of goods or services.

8. liability that is covered under any other insurance, except for any


Excess beyond the amount which would have been covered under such other insurance had this insurance not been in force.

9. for punitive and exemplary damages in respect of the United States of America or Canada.

10. arising directly or indirectly in connection with:

(i) any participant to participant


Injury whilst participating in or practicing for any sporting event or similar.

(ii) Any fine or penalty.








will reimburse You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for each complete day for any costs and expenses incurred as a direct consequence of You being a victim of a hi-jack or kidnapping occurring during the Trip, up to a maximum of the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.





NOTE: Section 8 only applies if




You have paid the appropriate premium for Winter Sports cover and this is shown in the Schedule, or if You have purchased an Annual Multi-Trip policy which provides up to 17 days cover in total within the Period of Insurance upon payment of the appropriate premium.




Winter Sports

Skiing; snowboarding; off-piste skiing and snowboarding except in areas considered to be unsafe by resort management unless with a qualified guide; cross-country skiing; mono-skiing; blading; langlauf; ski boarding; tobogganing and glacier walking or trekking up to 4,000 metres.









will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table per day to a maximum of the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for the hiring of replacement equipment if Your skis, poles, snowboards, boots or bindings are lost or delayed for more than 12 hours, during Your outward or onward Trip.





1. any claim not supported by a written report from the carrier responsible for the delay or damage to


Your skis or ski boots.

2. any claim resulting from theft.







In addition to Section 4 Baggage and Personal Effects


We will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for theft or accidental damage to Your ski equipment which You have taken on the Trip.





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. more than £250/€375 for any single article or pair.

3. theft from a public place or where the equipment is left unattended when not in a locked and secure location.

4. any accidental damage whilst


Your equipment is in use.








will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for the loss or theft of any unexpired period of Your lift pass (based on a pro-rata calculation on the original value of the lift pass).





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.







If all lifts in


Your pre-booked ski resort are closed due to a lack of snow which means You have to travel to an alternative resort for skiing, We will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table per day to a maximum of the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for one of the following:

8.4.1 travel costs to the nearest available ski resort; or

8.4.2 if


You are unable to ski at a different resort; or

8.4.3 the extra cost of acquiring a new or extended ski pass.




1. any claim not supported by a written statement from the management of the resort confirming the reason for the piste closure and the duration of the piste closure.

2. any costs incurred at ski resorts less than 1,000 metres above sea level.

3. any claim where the piste closure was public knowledge prior to the










will pay up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for necessary and reasonable extra travelling and accommodation expenses if Your arrival or departure from Your pre booked ski resort is delayed by more than 12 hours due to an avalanche.





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. any costs incurred at ski resorts less than 1,000 metres above sea level.



NOTE: Section 9 only applies if


You have paid the appropriate premium for Business Cover and this is shown in the Schedule










1. Business Equipment




will reimburse You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of the cost of the repair or replacement for Business Equipment in Your care, custody or control which is lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed.


2. Business Documents and Records




will indemnify You up to the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table in respect of the cost of replacing or restoring business documents and records which are Your Property or responsibility, following loss or damage during the Trip.




Business Equipment

Any business equipment, trade samples, or articles which belong to


You and are in Your custody and are taken on or acquired during a business Trip undertaken by You.





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. damage due to wear and tear or gradual deterioration.

3. loss of or damage to household effects.

4. electrical or mechanical breakdown or derangement.

5. loss or damage to


Valuables contained in baggage whilst such baggage is in the custody of Carriers and outside Your control.

6. theft or attempt of theft of


Valuables when they are unattended other than when securely locked in a building or securely locked out of sight inside a motor vehicle.

7. loss of cash, currency, bank notes, travellers’ cheques, passports, driving licenses, green card, petrol coupons, tickets, ski passes, securities and documents.

8. confiscation or detention by Customs or other Authority.








will reimburse You, up to an amount not exceeding the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table, if during the Trip, business Money is lost, stolen or destroyed.






Coins, bank and currency notes, postal orders, signed travellers’ and other cheques, letters of credit, travel tickets, current postage stamps, credit cards and petrol and other coupons, driving licence, and green card.





1. the


Excess amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table.

2. any loss not reported to the Police within 48 hours of discovery.

3. money lost in exchange, or through errors or omissions in transactions or purchases.

4. loss of money contained in baggage whilst such baggage is in the custody of Carriers and outside


Your control.

5. confiscation or detention by Customs or other Authority.

6. any loss in respect of the fraudulent use of credit card, charge card or bankers’ card if


You have not complied with the terms and conditions under which the card was issued, including those relating to the safe-keeping and use of the card and the reporting to the Issuing Company or Bank of any misplacement or loss.








will reimburse You up to an amount not exceeding the sum insured shown in the Schedule of Benefits Table for any Expenses incurred during the Trip as a direct result of an Injury to or illness of an Insured Person which in the opinion of a Medical Practitioner will last for a period in Excess of seventy two (72) hours, to send a substitute person to complete the original business commitments and objectives of the Insured Person.





Expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred in sending a substitute person.






1. for expenses that


You have paid or budgeted to pay before the commencement of the Trip.








The Benefits provided under Section 3 – Personal Accident are multiplied by two, when


You are travelling on a pre-arranged business Trip in which Your transportation and accommodation expenses have been paid for by Your employer or You, if You are self-employed, and proof is provided that the primary purpose of the Trip was the furtherance of Your business. All other terms, conditions and exclusions apply as per Section 3.





Provided when Golf Cover is effected and appropriate premium paid.









The Underwriter will indemnify


You in respect of loss or breakage of Golf Equipment up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for owned and hired Golf Equipment. In the case of owned Golf Equipment, each claim is subject to a maximum payment for any Single Items shown in the Schedule of Cover.

The maximum payment for any Single Item for which an original receipt, proof of purchase or insurance valuation (obtained prior to the loss) is not supplied is £50/€75, subject to a maximum of £200/€300 for all such items.






The Underwriter shall not be responsible for:

1. the


Excess as shown in the Schedule of Cover or Excesses.

2. claims arising for theft which are not reported to any appropriate police authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained.

3. claims arising for loss or damage which are not reported to any appropriate authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained (and specifically for claims arising against or in common carriers and hotels, any claim not reported in writing to such a carrier or hotel within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained). In the case of an airline, a


Property Irregularity Report will be required.

4. claims arising from delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by Customs or other officials.

5. claims arising for loss, theft or damage to anything shipped as freight or under a Bill of Lading.

6. claims arising for Golf Equipment left unattended in a place to which the general public has access or left in the custody of a person who does not have an official responsibility for the safekeeping of the



7. claims arising for loss, theft or damage of items from an unattended motor vehicle, unless taken from a locked boot or lockable roof rack between 8am and 8pm local time and there is evidence of damage or forced entry which is confirmed by a police report.







The Underwriter will indemnify


You up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for each 24 hour period for the cost of necessary hire of Golf Equipment following:

(a) loss or breakage of


Your Golf Equipment, or

(b) the misdirection or delay in transit of


Your Golf Equipment for 12 hours.





The Underwriter shall not be responsible for:

1. the


Excess as shown in the Schedule of Cover or Excesses

2. claims arising for theft which are not reported to any appropriate police authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained.

3. claims arising for loss or damage which are not reported to any appropriate authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained (and specifically for claims arising against or in common carriers and hotels, any claim not reported in writing to such carrier or hotel within 24 hours of discovery, and an official report obtained. In the case of an airline, a


Property Irregularity Report will be required.

4. claims arising for loss, theft or damage to anything shipped as freight or under a Bill of Lading.

5. claims arising for


Property left unattended in a place to which the general public has access or left in the custody of a person who does not have an official responsibility for the safekeeping of the Property.

6. claims arising for loss, theft or damage of items from an unattended motor vehicle, unless taken from a locked boot or lockable roof rack between 8am – 8pm local time and there is evidence of forced entry which is confirmed by a police report.

7. claims arising from delay, detention, seizure or confiscation by Customs or other officials.







The Underwriter will indemnify


You up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Cover for the proportionate value of any non refundable, pre-paid Green Fees or Tuition Fees necessarily unused due to the following :-

a) accident or sickness of the Insured

b) loss or theft of documentation which prevents the participation in the pre-paid golfing activity





The Underwriter shall not be responsible for:

1. the


Excess as shown in the Schedule of Cover or Excesses

2. claims arising for theft which are not reported to any appropriate police authority within 24 hours of discovery and an official report obtained.

3. claims arising for loss or damage which are not reported to any appropriate authority within 24



hours of discovery and an official report obtained (and specifically for claims arising against or in common carriers and hotels, any claim not reported in writing to such carrier or hotel within 24 hours of discovery, and an official report obtained. In the case of an airline, a


Property Irregularity Report will be required.

4. claims arising for


Property left unattended in a place to which the general public has access or left in the custody of a person who does not have an official responsibility for the safekeeping of the Property.

5. claims arising for loss, theft or damage of items from an unattended motor vehicle, unless taken from a locked boot or lockable roof rack between 8am – 8pm local time and there is evidence of forced entry which is confirmed by a police report.





EU, EEA or Switzerland




You are travelling to countries within the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland You are strongly advised to obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

This will entitle


You to benefits from the reciprocal health care arrangements which exist between countries within the EU/EEA or Switzerland.



We agree to pay for a medical expense which has been reduced because You have used either a European Health Insurance Card or private health insurance, We will not deduct the Excess under Section 2 – Emergency Medical, Repatriation and Other Expenses.





You need medical treatment in Australia You must enrol with a local MEDICARE office. You do not need to enrol when You arrive, but You must do this after the first occasion You receive treatment.

In-patient and out-patient treatment at a public hospital will then be available free of charge.

Details of how to enrol and the free treatment available can be found in the Health advice for Travellers booklet available from


Your local Post Office or by visiting either www.dh.gov.uk/travellers or the MEDICARE website on www.hic.gov.au.



You are admitted to hospital You must contact Our Medical Assistance company as soon as possible and get their authorisation in respect of any treatment NOT available under MEDICARE.






You are under 79 years of age at the date of buying this Policy, cover is available for the activities and sports listed below:

Abseiling Angling

Archery Assault course

Badminton Banana boating

Baseball Basketball

Beach games Bowling

Bungee jumping Canoeing

Clay pigeon shooting Cricket

Curling Cycling

Deep sea fishing Dinghy sailing

Fell walking Fishing

Football (amateur) Go karting *

Golf Handball


Horse riding (excluding racing, jumping and eventing)

Hot air ballooning (as a passenger)

Hovercraft * Indoor climbing

Ice skating Jet boating *

Jet skiing (no racing) Karting *

Kayaking (up to grade 2 only)

Kite surfing *

Mountain biking (no racing)

Netball Orienteering

Organised safari (without guns)

Paint balling * Pony Trekking

Quad biking (no racing) * Racket ball


Roller skating (including blading)

Rounders Rowing *

Running (non competitive)

Sailing (with qualified crew, within coastal waters) *

Scuba diving (to 30 metres and accompanied)

Sledging Snorkelling

Softball Squash

Swimming Surfing

Table Tennis Tennis

Ten pin bowling Trekking

Tug of War Volleyball

Walking Water polo

Water-skiing Whale watching

White water rafting (up to grade 4 only)

Wind surfing *

Yachting (with qualified crew, within coastal waters) *

Cover under section 6 Personal Liability (only) for those activities and sports marked with an * is excluded.

This list is not exhaustive. If


You intend to participate in any activity not noted above please provide details to Your insurance intermediary who will approach Us to request cover.

Europesure Insurance is a trading name of Status Insurance Management Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom. Their FCA number is 305697.



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